How can we help?

It may not be the best topic for small talk, but the more you learn about Greenfiber, the smarter you’ll be about how to use it and all of the reasons you should. Check out the documents, step-by-step instructions, videos and more below.

Some helpful information

How-to & other videos

  • Hear the Sound of Silence in this SANCTUARY Home by Greenfiber

    Experience the sound of silence in this SANCTUARY Home in Scottsdale, AZ. This home with SANCTUARY by Greenfiber spray-applied to exterior and interior walls brings life back into balance by reducing unwanted noise and maximizing comfort.
  • How to Install Insulation in Your Attic

    We know. Insulating your attic probably comes somewhere below cleaning gutters or washing windows on the list of things you’d like to do. But the good news is, it’s a lot easier than you think when you use Greenfiber blow-in cellulose. This video will provide you with helpful tips on what you will need to get started and then walk you through the steps on how to insulate your attic.
  • How to Calculate Your Insulation Needs

    R-value is a measure of resistance to heat flow through a given thickness of material. While R-Value is one way of comparing insulations — the higher the R-Value, the better the insulation performance, it is just one of the factors that determine how an insulation product will perform in the real world. Understanding the R-value that you want to reach is an important step in determining how to properly insulate your home. It will also determine the number of bags that you will need for your project.
  • Retrofit Installation for Exterior Walls

    This video will will provide you with a high-level overview of how to insulate the exterior walls of an existing home. Watch the 'Dense-packing a Wall Cavity' video for more information on the process.
  • Dense-Packing a Wall Cavity

    This video will show you how to dense-pack a wall cavity using a 1-hole method with a nozzle.
  • Calibrating the Machine

    This video will show you how to calibrate the machine and reach the desired densities when installing in walls.
  • Machine Overview for Wall Installations

    This video will provide you with an overview on the fundamentals on how to operate an insulation machine.
  • Open Cavity Dense-Pack Wall Installation

    This video will show you how to dense-pack in open wall cavities behind netting.
  • Greenfiber Sound Reduction

    Where air flows, sound follows. Sanctuary is engineered to fill the tiny joints, crevices and gaps hidden within your attic, walls, floors and ceilings.
  • Greenfiber Comfort & Energy Savings

    SANCTUARY insulation is designed to regulate temperature room by room, when installed in exterior walls, and it can also reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 20%.
  • Greenfiber Fire Resistance

    With a Class1A fire rating, SANCTUARY insulation contains active fire-resistance materials to slow the spreading of flames and give you more time to evacuate in the case of a fire.
  • Elev8 Builder Testimonial

    Chris Little, President & Owner of Elev8 Builders, shares his views on high performance systems.

Technical documents & brochures

  • Supreme Plus Fact Sheet
    Fact Sheets
    811.93 KB | PDF
  • Applegate Stabilized Cellulose Insulation Fact Sheet
    Coverage Charts
    562.89 KB | PDF
  • SANCTUARY Fact Sheet
    Fact Sheets
    661.5 KB | PDF
  • Machine Conversion Sheet
    Safety & Performance Documents
    206.42 KB | PDF
  • INS200 Agritherm Fact Sheet
    Fact Sheets
    1.48 MB | PDF
  • FRM Fact Sheet
    Fact Sheets
    97.13 KB | PDF

Useful Tools

  • Project Checklist

    Not sure what else you need for your insulation project?

    Download PDF
  • Insulation Calculator

    Here's an easy way to find out how many bags you'll need to get the job done.

  • Find a Retailer

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